Crystal Reports and Windows Server 2003
Apparently there's some problem running Crystal Reports on Windows Server 2003 in an IIS application. We found it to be intermittent--some boxes have problems, some don't.
The problem you get looks like it's a license key issue. However, it's just a Crystal issue. The workaround they gave us is to run IIS 6 in IIS 5.0 Isolation Mode. All I can say it it's working now. Don't really like the solution, though.
Register .NET assembly for COM Interop - Registry access problem
A great little Microsoft KB article about registry access problems when trying to register .Net assemblies for COM Interop. You have a problem accessing
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Component Categories\{62C8FE65-4EBB-45e7-B440-6E39B2CDBF29}
Microsoft KB Article 327507
ildasm /adv flag
The /adv (for "advanced") flag is one they don't tell you about on ildasm. Execute it with the /adv flag and you'll get some additional options. My favorite is Ctrl+M (View > MetaInfo > Show). You get a nice text window with all sorts of good info.