i18n in .Net
I'm trying to get some basic internationalization working in .Net. The concept is simple, but I'm not getting the ResourceManager to find my resource assemblies. No fun.
Some interesting stuff:
.Net framework source code:
http://dotnet.di.unipi.it/Content/sscli/docs/doxygen/fx/bcl/Microsoft has some examples. At least I got the example running:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cssample/html/vcsamLocalizedHelloWorld.aspNote this isn't exactly straightforward with the development environment. They had to make some C++ projects to make it build satellite assemblies. This kind of stuff should be more foolproof.Other Useful Stuff:
http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/howto/doc/createresources.aspxhttp://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/aspplus/default.aspx?url=%2fquickstart%2faspplus%2fdoc%2fresourcefiles.aspxAnd another article:
http://www.codeguru.com/columns/VB/article.php/c5601/Some of my headaches may be because I'm working with ASP.Net. Here's a Microsoft article on doing this with ASP.Net. It doesn't exactly fit my circumstances, but might be interesting:
String formatting in .Net - good guide
String.Format method is great, but trying to find out how to use it in Microsoft's documentation is next to impossible.
I like this page:
http://www.stevex.org/dottext/articles/158.aspxIt's a good summary of how to use it, plus there are tons of comments from others. And it's all on one page!