This is an interesting thing I ran across today. Inside of your project file, a reference could include an
AssemblyFolderKey attribute. I couldn't really find this documented anywhere, but it sure brings up a lot of hits on Google.
As near as I can tell, you can put entries in the registry telling it where to find some assemblies. If it finds a reference in one of these locations, VS.Net will add the AssemblyFolderKey attribute to the reference. I guess this is some way to help it resolve things.
The attribute is something like this:
AssemblyFolderKey = "hklm\dn\
Then in the registry, you put a path under
myLocationName.I don't know much about this, but it's interesting and might come in handy to know about.
Still Here
Hi, I'm still here. I made a post today, but it updated a previous one about COM interop from October 2004.