Win32 resources from .Net / Resource-Only DLL
Unfortunately, the VS.Net languages such as C# don't let you create conventional resources like you could from the C/C++ compiler. So, if you want a resource-only DLL, you have to go to C++ and build it there.
Microsoft has an article on the proper steps to go through to do this in the VS.Net IDE:
Creating a Resource-Only DLL
Of course, if you want conventional Win32 resources in an assemly, you can do it by invoking RC and taking the result and doing some other command line somewhere. I haven't needed to do that yet. I'm content with a resource-only DLL right now.
This is useful for things like installers and other OS features that don't know how to find resources in assemblies. In our case, it's convenient for getting a certain icon in the add/remove programs control panel and some other things.