Monday, December 27, 2004
  URIs, URLs, and strings
I've been wondering why several methods in the .Net framework accept a string parameter for a URL. Furthermore, there's that whole URL vs. URI issue.

Here's an article I liked on the URI vs. URL issue:

In looking at the .Net framework classes Uri and Url, it seems they intend the Url class to be something special to use in verifying security policy on assemblies. It's part of the System.Security.Policy namespace. Furthermore, it messes with security permissions, which is a whole topic unto itself in .Net. I decided it makes more sense to use the Uri class for what I'm doing, even though I'm specifically working with a URL in this siutation. I just didn't like the fact that the Url class is tied into System.Security.Policy.

I'm designing some framework classes and want to be careful about the APIs. So, I was wondering why did Microsoft choose a string instead of using the Uri class in various places in the Framework. While I don't know the answer to that question, I found a great blog from Brad Abrams (lead program manager for the .Net framework). It's a design guideline for using a Uri vs. string.

Here's the blog: http://weblogs.asp.net/brada/archive/2004/01/12/58031.aspx

Maybe this guideline means we'll see some overloaded methods in the future that accept both a string and a Uri. Meanwhile, I'm going ahead and using the Uri class instead of a string parameter.
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